aptitude n. 1.适合性。 2.倾向。 3.天资;才能。 4.颖悟,聪颖。 an aptitude test 能力倾向测验,性向测验 (cf. intelligence test)。 a boy of remarkable aptitude 神童。 have an aptitude for 有…的才能。 have an aptitude to (vices) 易染(恶习)。
Validity of the academic aptitude test for middle school student 中学生学业能力倾向测验的效度研究
The development of the academic aptitude test for middle school student 中学生学业能力倾向测验的初步编制
Construct validity of the academic aptitude test for middle school students 中学生学习能力倾向测验的结构效度研究
A preliminary study of the relationships of myers briggs types with academic aptitude and grades 初析麦氏类型与考试成绩和学习成绩的关系
At the request of mr . / ms . … , who is seeking admission to your institution , i am now writing to furnish my evaluation of his / her academic aptitude for your reference 先生/女士正向贵校申请入学,应他/她之请求,特写此信,陈述我对其学术能力的评估,以供参考。
To offer professional psychological consultation to individual students to help them overcome the mental obsession . based on the body and mind characteristics of key senior high school students , this teaching mode uses albert ellis " theory of rational emotive behavior therapy , adopting 3 methods as grading collective psychological instruction centered on this theory , group instruction with " self1 concept as a cut - in point , and individual one - to - one psychological consultation . meanwhile we choose aat ( academic aptitude test ) and mht ( mental health test ) index as our evaluating indicator to observe the efficiency of psychological instructions 根据重点中学学生的身心发展特点,本模式选用albertallis的rational - emotive - behaviortherapy理论,并采用以此理论为核心的年级集体心理辅导、以自我概念为切入点的团体心理辅导和以个别为单位的一对一心理咨询这三个层面同时展开的方式,同时选用《学习适应性诊断测试》 ( aat ) 、 《心理健康诊断测试》 ( mht )作为评价统计指标,来考察心理辅导的有效性。
In this article we explore the possible acting mechanism of mental health factors on the academic performance and search for more reliable indexes to assess the academic aptitude in medical students by employing various statistical methods . and we hope it would provide some useful information on the methodology in the similar research 本研究通过调查医学生的心理健康状况指标,应用多种统计方法来研究这些指标与学习成绩的关系,初步探讨这些心理卫生因素对学习成绩影响的可能机制,并从中寻找用于评价学生学习成绩影响因素的可靠指标及其统计技术,为处理同类问题提供方法学上的指导。